SHERLOCK! Last week we had a great time watching a theatre play in English! We helped Sherlock’s grandson to solve a crime while travelling around London. As you can see in the following video, the crime wouldn’t have been solved without the 4th grade...
5 little monkeys jumping on the bed

5 little monkeys jumping on the bed

Do you know this song? In P3 we looooove it!!! In fact, we like it so much we have monkey masks to act out the song. Take a look at this video to see the amazing singers and actors there are in P3....

Solidaritat amb el drama dels refugiats

Solidaritat amb el drama dels refugiats 24.01.2017 L’Escola Lurdes a l’entrega de Medalles de la Fundació Internacional Olof Palme L’alcaldessa de Barcelona, la Sra. Ada Colau, ens va convidar a la XIII entrega de Medalles de la Fundació Internacional Olof...

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