Cicle infantil

P3 ens expressem!

Expressió artística L'altra dia vam fer una activitat molt bonica i divertida a P3! Vam barrejar les dues classes i vam anar a la sala de psicomotricitat. Els nens i nenes, mentre es deixaven portar per la música, podien pintar lliurement en un gran llenç blanc. Visca...

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In P5 we love Goldilocks' story! In the last few weeks we've been working a lot on it: getting to know the characters, learning new words, learning new songs... And eventually, we went to watch the theatre play in English! It was really fun!!  In the video...

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5 little monkeys jumping on the bed

Do you know this song? In P3 we looooove it!!! In fact, we like it so much we have monkey masks to act out the song. Take a look at this video to see the amazing singers and actors there are in P3.  

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